Making Saskatchewan Winters A Little Easier

The small act of shovelling your neighbour’s driveway can make a big difference.

Our mission is to help make the brutal Saskatchewan winters just a little easier for you - especially if you’re someone who battles with physical problems and can’t clear your own driveway.

Bringing Community Together To Make The Community Better

We invite everyone who’s willing and able to join the movement. If you can spare just 30 minutes to shovel your neighbour’s driveway, you might just make their day - or their whole week.

Our mission is bigger than just shovelling driveways. We want to beautify our communities to help Saskatchewanians feel proud of our towns and cities.

Your small, few-dollar donation helps us buy the tools we need to help create a beautiful place for you and your neighbours to live.

Want to donate?

How can you help someone in a small way today?